Best Bikes for Overweight Men

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    Whether you are trying to pick up cycling to lose weight, or because you are looking for a fun new activity to try, finding a good bike for an overweight man can be quite the challenge. Bikes for heavy guys are not only hard to come by but are littered with marketing material that promises to be “the best bicycle for big and tall riders” when the flimsy frame and narrow saddle tell a different story entirely. So, where do you even start?

    What are the best bikes for overweight men? There are lots of good options for heavy-duty bikes that are suitable for overweight men. Below are a few of the best choices on the market today:

    Mongoose Dolomite Fat Tire

    Framed Minnesota 2.0 Fat Bike

    Diamond Back Overdrive 29 Hardtail

    Gravity Bullseye Monster Fat Tire

    Firmstrong Bruiser

    Sixthreezero EVRYjourney Men’s Hybrid

    The above bicycles are all going to be good choices for heavy riders, but do not think for a second that you are ready to start shopping yet. These bikes are all different in their own ways, and it is essential to understand these differences before making a decision regarding which bike will be best for you and your needs as a big and tall cyclist. So, to sift through the various options that are currently on the market, this article will go through some of the best bikes for overweight men, as well as what makes them attractive options for bigger guys.

    6 Best Bikes for Overweight Men

    Bikes for overweight men feature a variety of different features and attributes that other bikes do not, and the bikes on this list are no exception. Most of them will feature more heavy-duty frames, larger tires, more robust brakes, and wider and more comfortable saddles. These features work together to create a bike that is not only comfortable for overweight riders but able to support their weight and get them on the road!

    Below, you will find a list of six of our picks for some of the best bikes available for overweight men, all of which can be found online on Amazon.

    Mongoose Dolomite Fat Tire

    51LrPfKCnvL. SL500

    A simple google search for “best bikes for overweight men” will yield countless lists, all of which mention a variety of different bikes. However, there is generally one bike that makes every single list, and that is the Mongoose Dolomite Fat Tire Bike.

    The first and most obvious thing that you will notice about the Mongoose is its large tires, which is why it is called a fat tire bike. These tires are great for a number of reasons. For one, and most importantly, for the purposes of this article, they can support much more weight than a typical bike tire. The narrow tires on road bikes do not do a very good job of supporting a lot of weight, and this can become a problem for bigger cyclists. However, the Mongoose Dolomite Fat Tire solves this problem by being equipped with some very robust tires (which also look cool, too.)

    A downside to these large tires is that they will be a headache to inflate with a hand pump if you can do it all, and may require some form of compressed air to get them up to the pressure at which they should be used.

    Another great feature of the Mongoose Dolomite is its steel frame. A big concern for overweight riders is a bike with a structure that is incapable of supporting their weight. This will no longer be a problem with the Mongoose, as its heavy-duty steel frame will be more than sufficient in supporting the weight of most overweight riders.

    All of this weight handling ability is great, but it would not be much good if the bike’s brakes were not sufficient in being able to bring everything to a stop. Luckily though, the Mongoose has its bases covered in the braking department, too. The Mongoose Dolomite features disc brakes, which will be useful in bringing the bike to a stop with a heavy rider onboard, a consideration that is often overlooked.

    While the Mongoose Dolomite is a fantastic bike for overweight riders, there are just a few downsides. One that we have already touched on is how difficult it can be to inflate the big tires. This can be a bit of a headache, but probably should not be a deal-breaker. Another downside of this bike is related to its suspension setup. The Mongoose does not have a suspension fork, which can make for a slightly less comfortable ride on certain terrains, though the big tires will help mediate that just a bit.


    • Steel Frame
    • Big Tires
    • Heavy-duty Materials
    • Disc Breaks


    • Tires are hard to inflate
    • No suspension fork can lead to a slightly rougher ride

    Framed Minnesota 2.0 Fat Bike

    41ppfLfnBdL. SL500

    The next bike on our list is similar to the Mongoose mentioned above, as it is another fat tire bike. And, it should come as no surprise that a list of bikes for overweight men will have a few fat tire bikes on it, as they really are a great option for heavy riders. As we mentioned, the larger tires do a much better job of supporting greater weights, as opposed to the skinnier tires found on road bikes.

    Fat tires are not the only thing that the Framed Minnesota has going for it, however. Unlike the Mongoose, the Framed Minnesota has a 6061-aluminum frame, which, while slightly less heavy-duty than steel, is much more lightweight.

    One of the disadvantages of a steel frame bike is that they can be very heavy, which can affect the way that the bike rides, not to mention, make it difficult to lift the bike if necessary. The Framed Minnesota solves this problem by using a lighter weight aluminum frame.

    This may sound unappealing to those that are looking for heavy-duty, which many overweight riders are, but do not let the aluminum frame scare you into thinking that this bike will not be enough to support you. While less rigid than steel, aluminum-framed bikes should be suitable for most overweight riders.

    Another great feature of the Framed Minnesota is its robust and capable drivetrain. While this does not make any difference in the bike’s ability to support an overweight rider, it is still a great thing to have, no matter who is riding the bike. The Framed Minnesota runs a 2×9 gear system, with a 9-speed Sram X5 out back, and a Sram X7 front derailleur. In tandem, both of these drivetrain components combine to offer smooth and easy gear changes.

    Like the Mongoose, the Framed Minnesota also features disc brakes, which do a great job of hauling the bike down to a stop. As we have mentioned, having reliable brakes is especially crucial for heavier riders, and the Framed Minnesota has you covered in that department.

    Like all good things, though, the Framed Minnesota is not without some faults. The one that we have seen mentioned most frequently is that the chain of the bike is located too close to the wheel, which can lead to it getting dirty more frequently. Additionally, this bike has no suspension, which can make the ride quite a bit rougher than some other bikes.


    • Great Drivetrain
    • Strong disc brakes
    • Light  but strong aluminum frame
    • Fat tires


    • No suspension means a rough ride
    • Chain gets dirty easily

    Diamond Back Overdrive 29 Hardtail

    41XZZjpL2KL. SL500

    The next bike on our list is the first not to feature a fat tire design; the Diamond Back Overdrive 29 Hardtail is a more traditional mountain bike with tires to match that description. However, this should not be looked at as a knock against the Diamond Back. Rather, this should just be viewed as having more options to choose from! Not all bikes that are good for overweight men need to feature a fat tire, and the Diamond Back is proof of that.

    This is a great bike for people that want something that looks a bit more traditional as well, as it does not have that fat tire look that the other bikes we have discussed so far have. However, the Diamond Back does feature what is described as a “thick tire,” which improves the rigidity of the tire, and can help with puncture resistance in some cases. This is a great thing to have for mountain bikes, as a flimsy tire with no rigidity will not only not suit big riders, it will not suit rough terrain either.

    Like the Framed Minnesota, the Diamond Back Overdrive 29 Hardtail features a 6061-aluminum frame, and the benefits here are the same as they were with the Framed Minnesota. This is a lightweight frame, but it does not sacrifice the ability to hold weight in order to achieve this, as aluminum is a perfectly suitable and strong frame material, even for bigger riders.

    Additionally, the Diamond Back is the first bike on our list to feature a suspension fork, sporting an 80mm Suntour unit. This will help the bike in being more controllable and comfortable over rougher terrain, which can be especially important for those riders that are looking to go through trails, or off the beaten path in any way. Also helping in this department is the bike’s hardtail design, which makes it durable and well-suited for varying terrains.

    Another benefit of the Diamond back is its feature of an 8-speed derailleur. The benefits of this are plentiful, especially for the folks that are just getting into cycling and who may not have their cardio up to snuff yet.

    Having an 8-speed derailleur allows the cyclist to choose between as many gears as they will need, which makes riding up hills far easier by selecting a shorter gear. This is a great thing to have for the newer cyclists who want something that will suit them early in their cycling journey but will also be suitable once they are in better shape to handle more of a challenging and tasking ride.

    One downside of the Diamond Back, however, is the saddle, with some riders complaining that it is too narrow and uncomfortable. However, this can be easily fixed by just replacing it with one that you are more comfortable with. Finally, we don’t like that Diamond Back has too narrow grips as well as cheap feeling pedals.


    • Great comfortable suspension setup
    • Durable Hardtail design
    • Lightweight but sturdy aluminum frame
    • Lots of gears to choose from


    • Uncomfortable Saddle
    • Narrow grips
    • Cheap-feeling pedals

    Gravity Bullseye Monster Fat Tire

    This next bike on our list is one that really was designed with overweight riders in mind. In the context of this article, there are two types of bikes: bikes that are suitable for big riders, and bikes that are designed for big riders. The Gravity Bullseye Monster falls into the latter category.

    This is another fat tire bike, which should come as no surprise, as this bike is designed with supporting a big rider in every single way. Since this is the case, there really is no other way to go than with a fat tire design. Not only does this allow the bike to support overweight riders comfortably, but it also gives the bike fantastic road handling in all conditions.

    The Gravity Bullseye, like many of the other bikes on our list, features an all-aluminum frame, though just taking a quick look at a photo of this bike will quell any concerns that aluminum is not up to the task.

    The frame is very rigid, with thick posts and a construction that is very unlikely to be bothered by even some of the biggest riders.

    In addition to just being able to carry a lot of weight though, the Gravity Bullseye is an excellent bike for other reasons, too. Namely, this bike comes with a high-quality 16-speed Sram drivetrain. Like we discussed earlier, having a lot of gears to choose from can be great for riders who are still working on their cardio, as it can ease the burden of climbing up those steeper hills.

    In addition to having a stout drivetrain, the Gravity Bullseye also features a robust, durable, and capable braking system. Featuring disc brakes at the front and rear, the Gravity Bullseye is equipped with the necessary components to provide adequate stopping power in all situations.

    The areas where the Gravity Bullseye falls short mostly relate to its suspension. The biggest problem here is that it does not have one. This can lead to an uncomfortable ride on anything but the smoothest pavement. That being said, the fat tires will help provide a bit of suspension, but no suspension at all makes a rough ride just about inevitable, regardless of the tires that the bike is rolling on.

    Other than the lack of suspension, though, the Gravity Bullseye really is a great all-around bike. It truly is a jack-of-all-trades, in that its drivetrain and construction are suitable for all riders, and most conditions. It will not excel at any one thing (besides being heavy duty), but it will serve you well in almost any situation that you can throw at it.


    • Very durable
    • Designed with big riders in mind
    • Fat tires
    • Great drivetrain
    • Disc Brakes


    • No suspension means ride will be rough

    Firmstrong Bruiser Men’s Beach Cruiser

    51DdMkbvtPL. SL500

    For any overweight riders that just want something to leisurely ride around town or down the beach, the Firmstrong Bruiser Men’s Beach Cruiser is a great option to consider. While it does not feature a more sporting design like some of the other bikes that we have mentioned, the Firmstrong Bruiser is still perfectly capable of supporting bigger riders. It is designed to be a more relaxing, cruising style bike, rather than something for the folks that are looking into cycling for sport.

    The Firmstrong Bruiser, similarly to the Gravity Bullseye discussed above, was designed for heavier riders, and it has the features to show for it. One of the features of the Firmstrong Bruiser that is likely to be especially attractive to bigger riders is its wide and comfortable stock saddle. It can be difficult to gauge how comfortable a seat will be without actually trying it out for yourself, so looking at user reviews can be helpful.

    Another thing that users of the Firmstrong Bruiser enjoyed is its ability to accommodate taller riders, not just heavier ones. While not all heavy guys are tall, it can be helpful to know how well-suited a bike will be to the folks that are at or above six feet in height; this group will be happy to know that tall users reported a pleasant experience with the Firmstrong Bruiser.

    For some taller guys, many bikes can just feel too small, with the dimensions clearly being more tailored towards cyclists who are shorter than them. However, the Firmstrong Bruiser is not one of those bikes, with six feet and taller users reporting an enjoyable experience.

    Additionally, we would be remiss if we did not again touch on the Firmstrong’s use of a fat tire design, and like many of the other bikes on this list, we know this feature is great for heavier riders. Additionally, this can be a huge benefit to the folks that want to use this bike on the beach—as its name may suggest—because the larger tires will be more well-suited than traditional tires would be to holding excellent traction on the sand.

    The Firmstrong Bruiser also comes equipped with a drivetrain that, while not as advanced as some other options on this list, is perfectly suitable for the type of riding that this bike is designed for. The Bruiser’s 3-speed setup is more than enough for cruising, and will also be ideal for slightly more sporting riding as well, though those who want to indeed cycle for sport will be better off with a bike that has more gears to choose from.


    • Very comfortable saddle and handlebar setup
    • Great for 6ft+ riders
    • Fat tire design


    • Many users report assembly issues
    • Not well suited for sporty cycling

    Sixthreezeron EVRYjourney Men’s Hybrid

    51C8L889LuL. SL500

    Rounding out our list of the best bikes for overweight men is the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney Men’s Hybrid. This is a great bike to close out our list with, as it does an excellent job of combining all of the above bikes into one well-rounded package, making it a great choice for the overweight riders that want a little taste of everything in their bike. The Sixthreezero is designed in such a way that it will be suitable for commuting, cruising around town, and it can hold its own if you want to pick up the pace a bit as well.

    This bike features a very classic design, using a more forward pedal position and wide-set handlebars. This translates to a very relaxed position that promotes a healthy posture, with many riders saying that this bike is excellent for people who have back problems. Additionally, the lower saddle and frame shape makes it very easy to mount and dismount and make taking quick breaks easy with even shorter riders being perfectly capable of resting flat-footed when it is time to take a breather.

    As far as holding heavyweight riders go, the Sixthreezero is the least capable on this list, though far from subpar. Its aluminum frame is slightly less heavy-duty than the others on this list, though for many riders, it will still be perfectly suitable.

    Another great feature of the Sixthreezero is its dual spring saddle. The saddle is perched atop two springs, which help tremendously in absorbing shock and making the bike overall more comfortable to ride. Also, aiding in comfort is the actual saddle itself, which is wide and supportive, something that heavier riders are sure to appreciate.

    Adding to the already high relative uniqueness of the Sixthreezero compared to the other bikes on this list is its front and rear fenders, which are great at keeping the bike and the rider clean in wet or muddy areas. Having fenders can prevent the tires from kicking up water and mud onto the bike and the rider, and this is a great feature to have for commuter bikers when staying in may not be an option, regardless of whether or not the weather is excellent for riding.

    Regarding the downsides of the Sixthreezero, there are a few that are worth noting. For one, this bike features V-style brakes rather than disc brakes, and this can prove to be problematic, especially for bigger riders for whom stopping power should be prioritized. Additionally, Sixthreezero is not capable of holding over 300lbs, which should be kept in mind for riders whose weight exceeds that.


    • Comfortable seating position promotes good posture
    • Shape and design is great for bigger people
    • Dual spring saddle
    • Wide and comfortable saddle
    • Fenders


    • Least capable with heavier weights
    • V-style breaks

    Final Thoughts

    Now that we have discussed quite a few different bike options for overweight men looking to get into cycling, you should feel comfortable and familiar with the things that need to be considered when you are doing your shopping.

    It is important to look for a bike that has a heavy-duty frame, larger tires, more robust brakes, and a wider and more comfortable saddle. These are all features that will make riding infinitely more enjoyable for overweight men, and folks that fall into that category should not consider a bike that is lacking in the elements necessary to support them and their goals.