Cycling has been lauded for many positive benefits in healthcare, the environment, and even the economy, but cycling for increasing height is a new phenomenon that is currently being explored.
So, let’s first tackle the question you have been looking for and then we will try to explore some more meaty content.
Can cycling help to increase height?
Scientifically, there is no evidence to prove that cycling somehow improves your height, and studies have shown that adopting cycling, whether as a sport or a hobby, can help to actually worsen bone density in a majority of cases.
Despite scientific research and reason, however, this notion that cycling increases height, both during and after puberty has quickly gained popularity over the past couple years and has led to thousands of people worldwide taking up cycling as some kind of quick fix.
Before you jump on this bandwagon, here are some factors that you need to consider.
What factors influence Height?
It’s important to understand the dynamics of height and what factors determine how tall or short you are before attempting to change it.
Height is dependent on 2 major factors, genetics, and your age. The truth is that after a certain age, normally when your body has finished developing by age 20 and over, you stop growing in all areas of the body, including height.
While this varies based on race and ethnicity, the height factors your body normally inherits based on your genetic makeup can range from as low as 65% in Asian and West African males to roughly 80% in Caucasian males.
It is also scientifically proven that if both parents have a certain height, then that child will end up growing to that same height, except in special cases where the child adopts genetic factors of a taller grandparent or other close family members.
An often overlooked factor that contributes to height, however, is the environment that a person grows in, including their surroundings and nutrition, obtained.
An influx of specific minerals and nutrients can help to improve height, and persons can even take supplements to boost their growth rate, mostly before or during the years of puberty.
In countries where malnutrition is rampant, however, height tends to also be significantly reduced, as the right nutrients are not being consumed to help with growth characteristics.
More positive environmental factors help to boost growth hormones and increase height, albeit by a small percentage, but it is another important factor to consider if you want to grow taller.
Can cycling increase height during puberty?
Puberty is a delicate time for many children and represents the stage of life, usually between ages 9 – 16, when the body develops and becomes more sexually mature.
During this time, teenagers experience a significant change in physical features, such as the growth of the breasts, growth of pubic hair and a deepening of voice in males, but they also experience a ridiculous growth spurt and increase in height.
It is usually between these ages that children adjust to their normal height, and not much growth normally occurs after this period.
While the age of puberty differs from person to person, adjusting environmental factors for increased growth may prove effective in reaching maximum height.
This is where cycling comes in. While cycling itself doesn’t cause you to grow significantly, it does play a part in lengthening bones such as the shin and the spine during puberty, resulting in an increase in height and appearance of a taller, leaner figure.
A widely used method for leg lengthening is to heighten the saddle by about 1 – 2 inches when cycling, starting with about ¼ of an inch and working your way up, and this would, in turn, give your body the message that it needs to grow further to get to the pedal.
While there is no evidence supporting this statement, the best time to attempt it would be during puberty when your body is trying its best to grow and develop as much as you would require.
This method is very uncomfortable at first, however, but as you continue, you should be able to tell if the method works by how your body adjusts after some time. It’s recommended to try this method for about 1 – 3 months, before seeing results.
Bones causing increased height
1) Spinal Column –
The spinal column is made up of 33 bones fused together called the vertebrae and is used to maintain balance and movement in the human body.
Any injury or impairment to the spinal cord may result in complete or partial paralysis of the body. The major problem with the spinal cord decreasing height is that improper posture will cause the discs to compress together, resulting in a shortening of the distance between the discs of the spine.
The more the discs shorten and compress together, the shorter you become, as your body adjusts to the way you sit or stand.
Cycling can help to extend the spinal cord if you get the correct bike suited for your size, as well as any other physical activity or exercise.
2) Legs –
The legs, mainly the thigh and the shin bones are the main contributors to your height and can be lengthened to increase height and essentially make you taller.
Both the thigh and shin bones contain gaps that can be widened and lengthened with the right exercises, including cycling.
Be careful, however, as there will be an increased risk for you to adopt microscopic stress fractures, more commonly known as shin splints, which may result in bleeding, inflammation and severe pain.
How Much Height Can Be Increased By Cycling?
Taking everything above into account, despite scientific evidence, cycling can play an active role in increasing height, especially before and during the years of puberty.
The growth, however, will more than likely not be very significant, especially if not adopted before puberty begins, but generally, you may be able to gain at least a couple centimeters, and at most, up to 3 inches than your average or expected weight.
Adopting certain principles such as good posture and proper nutrition, however, can cause you to also go up a couple centimeters, as much as regular physical exercise can.
It’s also important to note that while cycling helps you to increase height on an anatomical level, it can also give you a slimmer figure, making you appear leaner and more toned.
Cycling also helps you to lose weight, which also makes you appear taller and leaner based on your new size.
Cycling is very beneficial for increased height, but other exercises can also contribute to improved growth. These include full body exercises such as sprinting/running, skipping and swimming.
Other ways to increase Your height
A) Nutrition –
A balanced diet is beneficial for many things, one of which is increased height. Your body needs the required amount of nutrients to fully reach its growth potential, which means that ideally, you need to be able to get these nutrients and minerals from the food that you’re eating. In this case, and especially in the crucial years of puberty, ensure that you adopt a healthy diet that will benefit you in both this phase of your life and other years to come.
B) Supplements –
There are some specific supplements that can be used to increase the level of growth hormone produced by the body, resulting in faster development and increased height. But before you head to Amazon to stuck up, there are some specific minerals and nutrients that you can search for, that are safe for consumption. Products such as L – Arginine, L – Ornithine, Calcium Carbonate, Cholecalciferol and Vitamin B12, or growth supplements containing these products are safe to take in the recommended portions, but feel free to speak to your doctor before taking, especially if you have other health issues or are n medication.
C) Yoga –
There are some specific yoga poses that will help you to increase height, but if you go to a yoga class, most of the stretches should be able to work similarly. Yoga is used both for mindfulness and flexibility, but the stretching allows your limbs to extend with your body, and crucial bones such as the spinal cord and the shin to extend to their maximum length, which in turn causes an increase in height.
Here is one explainer video you can watch out:ttps://
In conclusion, cycling is very beneficial for an increased height, but ensure you take precautions when following the tips listed above.
However, pay close attention to genetics, or just take a look at your parents to have an idea of what your average height will be like.
Your environment also plays a major role in how well your body develops, so try your best to be somewhere that is progressive for your health. Happy growing!