How Many Miles Can You Bike In A Day?

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So, How Many Miles Can You Bike In A Day? Here Is The Exact Answer From MybikeXl Team

Ideally, you can bike up to 21 miles per hour as the average cyclist does, but try and focus less on the mileage when cycling and more on the other added benefits

Whether you’ve decided to become a professional cyclist or you just want to lose a couple extra pounds, you may want to increase your range and endurance on the bike.

This is not completely unattainable, but it will require a lot more discipline and hard work than you imagine, especially if you have a specific mileage target that you want to reach.

The average professional cyclist maintains a consistent rate of about 2 minutes and 8 seconds per mile, which would be approximately 21 miles per session.

So how many miles can you bike in a day? It solely depends on you, and how much work you’re willing to put in but firstly, here are some factors that can either help or hinder your cycling session and mileage.

1) Don’t dramatically increase your mileage too quickly

While this may seem like the smartest and most ideal step to becoming a better cyclist, dramatically increasing your mileage over daily or weekly sessions can cause harm to your body.

As a beginner or a standard cyclist, estimate or measure your daily and weekly mileage, then attempt to increase that by no more than 10 – 12% each time.

This gives your body adequate time to properly adjust to the rate that you’re now going at, which helps to prevent injury and burnout.

2) Don’t ride every day

I know you’re excited to reach your goals but remember that in order for you to perform effectively, your body needs to rest.

Rather than trying, (and no doubt failing), to ride every day, it would be better to ride 5 times per week, alternatively if possible.

It would be best to ride high mileage alternately for the first 4 sessions of the week, then do a short mileage session before your rest day.

Another option is to have one high-intensity mileage day, 3 intermediate mileage days and then finish up with a short mileage day at the end of the week.

3) Remember to adjust your sessions to your lifestyle

If you work in an environment that requires heavy physical activity, then it would be smart to adjust your session days to that schedule to avoid burnout.

For example, if you have a heavy work day ahead, try to get your cycling session done before you start working.

Not only will this improve your endurance, but it will also help to keep you more active and energetic throughout the workday.

Similarly, if you work from home or have a sedentary job, you may be able to complete two cycling sessions per day, which would decrease your training time for the week.

4) Monitor your activity levels

Beginner or not, be proactive in measuring and monitoring your activity levels on the bike. Cycling for half an hour per day, using the 5 days per week method should have you averaging around 12 – 15 miles per hour, but whatever your starting point, monitor it and take a proactive approach in trying to improve on this rate every day you get on your bike.

5) Get some cycling buddies

If possible, try your best not to cycle alone. Instead, ride with friends that are better than you, and that will motivate you on the road and make your cycling experience a lot more enjoyable.

If you’ve been cycling for a while, you can even try to go with the pros in your local cycling club, and see how you measure up.

This will not only build your speed and endurance while increasing your mileage but also help you to learn different techniques that the pros use while they’re on the road.

6) Proper Nutrition is key

Ditch the sweets and complex carbs for more healthier and natural options, like some sweet potatoes or vegetables.

A healthier diet will equip your body with the nutrients you need to give you energy, which will, in turn, help you to produce more and go faster when riding.

Nutrition also includes those energy drinks and protein bars that you consume when you go cycling. Try and substitute that store-bought energy drink with lots of processed sugars, for a homemade energy booster made from natural fruits and nuts, and those protein bars for a delicious nutrient-rich protein shake.

If you’ve been training for a while now and you still can’t do it like the pros, try not to be so hard on yourself.

Remember that professional cyclists have no other job than to work at their craft, so if you’ve managed to reach even half their mileage goals, celebrate! Ideally, you can bike up to 21 miles per hour as the average cyclist does, but try and focus less on the mileage when cycling and more on the other added benefits.

It shouldn’t be about how much you can bike in a day, but rather about how your body’s ability to benefit from this hobby or sport, so next time you hit the road, remember to enjoy yourself.